Light - the Saviour
Darkness - the Destroyer
Narrator: (In a distant world far, far away…transcending time and space…In an oblivious world called “the Void”…a battle is to take place…)
(The first one came from the deep parts of the Abyss…where eternal darkness and shadows remain…arising from the murky shadows…from coming far and lo throughout the land…this one is known as “Darkness”…)
(The other one came down from the heavens…this one was given full glory and power…the right hand of the One who summons him…sent to put an end to all suffering and pain…this one is called “Light”…)
(Colors fade in and out all over the place…the whole place is as dark as dawn…the whole place is barren…the shadows of the clouds above roll upon the desolate grounds…upon the heart of the territory stands the warrior called Light…)
Light: (thinking and waiting for some time) Hmm… I wonder what’s keeping him too long. Well, he will be here soon…he should be.
(Suddenly, the place turned gloomy and darker than ever…behind Light appeared a puddle of shadow…from it rises someone flowing with negative energy… his presence is disturbing and within him is great evil…this one’s none other than Darkness…)
Darkness: (in a mocking voice) Hey, hey, hey…looks who’s here, as usual, always on time. What’s up with you?
L: (looking towards Darkness) So much for your showy entrance…you’re late. I should be the one asking that…
D: Do you expect me to apologize?
L: Never mind…I am tired of your lousy excuses. It’s pointless. Just where on earth have you been?
D: Well, I have been frolicking around the Earth…taking a look around everything in it.
L: And so how do you consider these things…
D: Ha! Everything goes is according to my will. See for yourself…
(Suddenly, from the sky appeared something interesting…its none other than scenes from different parts of the earth…)
L: I see…so you have been watching the world below…
D: (raising both hands) Yes, I have been…just look how beautiful the land is!
(After saying this, the sky showed a scene of the earth from space…then, zoomed a scene of the landscape of the earth…its not a good view…the waters are murky and dark because of spilled waste and is floating with garbage…the land is barren and looks unfertile…garbage is found everywhere, tons of it…and the sky is so dark because of the polluted air…so polluted that is hard for the sunlight to pass because of the curtain.of smog…)
L: Just look how distressing it is to see these things…and you call these nice?
D: So…what’s your problem? It’s not my fault…it’s the humans who started it…
L: Correction…it’s yours.
D: Say what?!
L: Do you recall what you did some millennia ago? You deceived man and caused him to sin…
D: Hmmm… (thinking) Oh! I remember! (snapping his fingers)…the time I played puppet with that serpent…
L: God made everything perfect. Same he did to humans. If not for your ambitious plans and lies, this would not have been the case…
D: It’s not my fault…they are the one who ate the fruit…
L: It’s your fault that man opened the gates of sin and death…
D: Whatever…do I care?
L: (pointing towards Darkness) You truly are a Great Manslayer and Father of Lies.
D: (bowing down) Thank you for your acknowledgement…
(The scene in the sky vanished and was replaced by another scene…it shows the people beyond the earth…all kinds of people…of different colors, races, ages and languages…)
D: Just look at all the people on earth…just look at them how they sway to my will!
L: You have always done that to them…taking advantage of man’s imperfection.
D: (yawning) Huumm…Well, they like what they do…they do as they please. Especially, pleasing themselves. They enjoy living their life away from God. Why some love the things I offer in this world more than anything: money, power and fame! They enjoy sexual lust and immorality. Some enjoy using illegal drugs and other vices. Oh, and there's philosophical ideas…it has given the minds of many a bit of a twist.
L: That’s true…I can see the view.
D: Oh and there’s more! They like practicing magic and spiritism! My minions have always offered power through corrupting people to darkness. Just look how people are entertained by a deadly curse which they look as a precious gift! (starting to laugh a bit) Oh and yeah, I almost forgot…I have set false religions around the planet. You see, how easily people are dominated by the things that they were taught off. They don’t even care of looking for God and the right way of worship anymore…they like to worship God in their own way…(chuckle) Why they are not only wicked, they are treating their kindred cold-heartedly. They even kill their brethren and family in wars! They pass to the next generation the legacy of badness; a cycle of endless hatred. Man will continue to dominate his kin to destruction.
(The scene of people suddenly vanishes away to thin air…)
D: How about that?
L: You have really deceived people’s minds making them think that they are in the truth. You are successful of making people blind of it and making them see that evil is good and good is evil. Yes, you are successful of swaying the hearts of many…but yet not all.
D: Huh?!
L: God is happy…that amongst the evil that lurks on earth, there are still a few who still follows the path of righteousness…have you ever set your eyes on them?
D: Yeah, yeah…I know to whom you were talking about!
L: The Almighty Father of Heavens is very happy to see that there are still people enduring the evil that is within your world. They continue to rejoice under tribulations of life. Yes, they too commit sins… but they still persevere to be able to continue to walk the path of good. They love their brother like themselves and in the valleys and plains of shadows and darkness they are still able to let their light shine. Faithful until the end…
D: (annoyed hissing) Tch! I hate those people as much I do to you!
L: He is also happy that there are some who seeks the truth and finds it. Those people who seeks to draw near to him through true faith. That’s why I have been sent to redeem the souls of these people…of the dead and the living in your hands…and destroy you once and for all…
D: (angry) Curses!
N: (And so the sky turned dark, so did the land…the mountains divided…the ground disbands…lightning and thunder strikes terror…as did fire fell from heavens...on the earth’s final hour…)
(A strong gust of wind blows between the two…)
D: (shouting) You are really a big pain in the neck...a thorn in my throat! If you’ve just stayed impaled in that stake! (draws sword)
L: If you have other things to say…say them now. Your days have been numbered. They are your last.
D: Enough! I heard enough! Now...die! (rushes to attack towards Light)
L: Well then, let’s get this started… (draws sword) and put this to an end! (rushes towards Darkness)
(Swords clashes…)
N: (Sword at hand, a will has to be done…The duel of good and evil has begun…To whose side you stand, is up for you to choose…The battle will soon end as the saga continues…)
- Playwright written by Night Celestine
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